
毕马威中国《聚焦电动化下半场 智能座舱白皮书》数据指出,2026年中国智能座舱市场规模将达到2127亿元,5年复合增长率超过17%。2022年到2026年,智能座舱渗透率将从59%上升至82%。

近日,在SENSOR CHINA与琻捷电子联合举办的“汽车传感系列交流会-智能传感专场”上,艾迈斯欧司朗资深应用工程师曹异域受邀就智能座舱中的“智能表面与氛围灯的传感与驱动”主题进行分享,并于活动现场演示了艾迈斯欧司朗电容式智能表面展示Demo,为百余位资深专业人士带来一场光与传感交融的技术盛宴。






曹异域重点介绍了艾迈斯欧司朗专为智能照明系统打造的OSP(开放系统协议)生态。在OSP平台中,包括艾迈斯欧司朗智能RGB LED(RGBi模块)、智能独立驱动器SAID,以及经OSP转换器等接入的各类传感器等,不同的组件、设备能够实现高效的数据交换和协同工作。此OSP由艾迈斯欧司朗自行开发,任何汽车、LED、照明系统或微控制器制造商均可无需授权、免费使用。

Sensing fusion and intelligence leading the trend, ams and OSRAM light up the sea of stars in the smart cockpit

上述艾迈斯欧司朗智能RGBi模块OSIRE® E3731i,以其卓越的性能和灵活性,吸引了在场听众的注意。OSIRE® E3731i 内置驱动和控制IC,可通过SPI接口与微控制器实现高效通信。借助OSP,微控制器能同时向数百甚至高达1,000颗OSIRE® E3731i发送指令,并获取每一颗的准确状态,从而可确保氛围灯色彩的精准和动态效果的流畅。

而艾迈斯欧司朗SAID,则是扩展了OSP生态系统。SAID把RGBi智能氛围灯扩展到了光导和人机交互的表面 ;通过简单的I2C接口,将传感器集成到OSP系统;可驱动1到3个RGB通道,且每芯片有3到9路的输出,每路输出高达25mA到50mA曹异域进一步介绍到,SAID减少了线束和PCB的宽度,适用于IME模内电子工艺,可广泛应用于大面积氛围灯、格栅灯、外部显示、智能表面等多种应用

Sensing fusion and intelligence leading the trend, ams and OSRAM light up the sea of stars in the smart cockpit






AS8579是一款采用I/Q相位调制技术的高精度电容式传感器,可支持最多10条独立测量通道,内部可以实现高达 1khz 的完整信号吞吐率,电容信号检测灵敏度最高可达 80fF/LSB。AS8579完全符合汽车级认证,并提供多个片上诊断功能,确保支持高达ASIL B级的汽车ISO 26262功能安全标准。


Sensing fusion and intelligence leading the trend, ams and OSRAM light up the sea of stars in the smart cockpit



Sensing fusion and intelligence leading the trend, ams and OSRAM light up the sea of stars in the smart cockpit


除此之外,还有车用红外及环境光传感器,接近光传感器,用于舱内投影的微透镜阵列(MLA) 技术等。这些创新的光学与传感技术的应用,不仅极大地提升了车内操作的便捷性和安全性,也丰富了车内的视觉体验,更是为设计工程师提供了创新空间,使得汽车内饰设计可以更加灵活和人性化。

Sensing fusion and intelligence leading the trend, ams and OSRAM light up the sea of stars in the smart cockpit



Sensing fusion and intelligence leading the trend, ams and OSRAM light up the sea of stars in the smart cockpit
Sensing fusion and intelligence leading the trend, ams and OSRAM light up the sea of stars in the smart cockpit
Sensing fusion and intelligence leading the trend, ams and OSRAM light up the sea of stars in the smart cockpit
Sensing fusion and intelligence leading the trend, ams and OSRAM light up the sea of stars in the smart cockpit


原文始发于微信公众号(艾迈斯欧司朗):Sensing fusion and intelligence leading the trend, ams and OSRAM light up the sea of stars in the smart cockpit

Smart surfaces are interior surfaces that combine decorative and functional properties. In the future, every surface in the car can be a smart surface, including door trims, instrument panels, steering wheels, sunroof modules, lighting systems, etc. These surfaces have now evolved from decorative functions to mechatronic user interfaces. Smart surface technology is now in the market introduction and growth stage, with huge development potential. How to make smart surface technology better requires the joint efforts of OEMs, solution designers, parts suppliers, material companies, etc. Now Aibang has Automobile intelligent surface WeChat group, Geely, BYD, Great Wall, Changan, Dongfeng, Yanfeng, Yilan Auto Parts, Ningbo Huade, Wenzhou Jincheng, Covestro, Kurz, SCHOTT and other companies have joined. Welcome upstream and downstream of the industry chain friends join the group to discuss and seek common progress.
In order to promote the development of the smart car lighting industry, Aibang Smart Car Club has established a smart car lighting WeChat group. OEMs, supporting suppliers, light sources, semiconductors, materials, equipment and other companies are welcome to join the WeChat group.

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