OLED 照明市场仍处于早期阶段——因为目前的商业出货量主要包括优质灯具和装置,而行业目标是利基应用——例如商业照明、健康相关的解决方案和汽车行业。

The OLED lighting market is still in its very early stages – as currently commercial shipments mostly consist of premium lamps and installations, and the industry target niche applications - such as commercial lighting, health-related solutions and the automotive industry.

OLED 为汽车市场提供了几个独特的优势,它也是一个拥有明确的高端汽车的市场,可用于早期采用高成本技术。在过去的几年里,我们已经看到几家汽车制造商(包括奥迪、梅赛德斯和宝马)开始在汽车尾灯中采用 OLED 照明。最初采用的是可选模块,但今天有几款车型标配 OLED 照明。 OLED 照明可用于汽车市场中的多种应用。

OLEDs offer several unique advantages to the automotive market, and it's also a market with defined premium cars that can be used for early adoption of high cost technology. In the past few years, we've seen several car makers (including Audi, Mercedes and BMW) that started to adopt OLED lighting in car taillights. Initial adoption was for optional modules, but today several car models come with OLED lighting as standard. OLED lighting can be used for several applications within the automotive market.

大多数人都会想到OLED尾灯,这确实是一个很好的应用,因为OLED的亮度需求不够高,很容易满足,而OLED实现的均匀性、光质和独特的设计是相对的优势。 OLED 还可用于信号灯和侧标,也可用于车内照明。其他可能的应用包括透明刹车灯和智能照明解决方案,例如交互式照明和外部信号。

Most people will think about OLED taillights, which are indeed a good application as the brightness needs are not high enough and are easily satisfied by OLEDs, and the uniformity, light quality, and unique designs enabled by OLEDs are relative strengths. OLEDs can also be used for signal lights, and side-markers, and can also be used for in-car lighting. Other possible applications include transparent brake lights and intelligent lighting solutions such as interactive lighting and external signaling.

以下是一些在尾灯中使用 OLED 照明的汽车示例(标准或可选)。

Following are some samples of cars that utilize OLED lighting in taillights (either standard or optional).
奥迪 2022 A8 S8

Audi 2022 A8 and S8

奥迪 2022 年版的 A8 和 S8 汽车将标配数字 OLED 尾灯。客户可以在 A8 上选择两种光特征之一(S8 提供三种可能的特征)。奥迪表示将在 2022 年第二季度交付第一批汽车。OLED 面板由 OLEDWorks 生产。

Audi's 2022 editions of the A8 and S8 cars will come standard with digital OLED rear lights. Customers can choose one of two light signatures on the A8 (the S8 offers three possible signatures). Audi says it will deliver the first cars in Q2 2022. The OLED panels are produced by OLEDWorks.


Hongqi H9 Sedan 2020

2020 H9 红旗(一汽轿车旗下的中国汽车制造商)轿车的尾灯使用 OLED 照明面板。 H9 在每个模块中使用 4 个红色 OLED 面板。面板尺寸为 131x32 毫米,每个有 5 段。颜色坐标为 CIY(0.69, 0.31)。面板由 Yeolight 生产。

The 2020 H9 Hongqi (a Chinese automaker owned by FAW Car company) sedan uses OLED lighting panels for its taillights. The H9 uses 4 red OLED panels in each module. The panels are 131x32 mm in size and have 5 segments each. The color coordinate is CIY(0.69, 0.31). The panels are produced by Yeolight.


奥迪 2021 Q5 SUV


Audi 2021 Q5 SUV

2021 款奥迪 Q5 跨界车包括可选的数字 OLED 尾灯。 OLED 尾灯由三个 OLED 面板(由 OLEDWorks 制造)制成,每个面板有六个部分。奥迪提供三种不同的"签名"或设计,客户在购买 Q5 时可以从中选择。分段式 OLED 在锁定和解锁 SUV 时显示不同的照明模式,或者在您靠近汽车时显示欢迎模式。 OLED 照明尾灯在 Q5 上是可选的,并且是 SQ5 Prestige 变体的标准配置。

The 2021 Audi Q5 crossover includes optional digital OLED taillights. The OLED taillights are built from three OLED panels (made by OLEDWorks), each with six segments. Audi offers three different "signatures" or designs, which the customers can choose from when buying the Q5. The segmented OLEDs show different lighting patterns with locking and unlocking the SUV, or to show a welcome pattern when you are close to the car. The OLED lighting taillights are optional on the Q5 and come standard on the SQ5 Prestige variant.


Bugatti Divo

2018 年布加迪 Divo 是一款超级跑车,仅生产了 40 辆(并在公告中售出),标价 790 万美元(不含额外费用)。 Divo 配备 OLED 尾灯,但鲜为人知

The 2018 Bugatti Divo is a hyper-car, with only 40 units ever produced (and sold right on the announcement), with a $7.9 million price tag (without extras). The Divo has OLED taillights, of which very little is known:

作者 li, meiyong
