伟巴斯特,车顶系统的全球市场领导者,为新款梅赛德斯 S 级轿车提供优雅的大尺寸可开启全景天窗。大尺寸玻璃外观为轿车内部营造出明亮舒适的氛围。该全景天窗采用了两个可单独控制的卷阳帘提供遮阳。模块化的车顶系统和卷阳帘可以通过手势和语音便捷地进行独立操作。



车顶两个模块允许驾驶者和后排乘客根据需要独立调节设置。打开全景天窗只需对车辆MBUX 语音助手发出简短指令,或者手指在上方车顶中央的面板前轻轻滑过。即使在最高车速下,天窗的前部也可以开启到通风位置。此外,它可在8秒内完全打开。73 厘米长的玻璃面板外观优雅,与后挡面板自然衔接。挡风网经过优化,安装紧凑,可将气流降低到令人舒适的范围。


车顶前后模块的卷阳帘系统使用 100% 不透明隔热织物,可以实现独立控制。驾驶者和乘客可以根据个人喜好调整设置。得益于驱动系统的创新,该天窗工作噪音和风噪是目前市场上静音效果最佳的天窗之一。


手势和语音控制等技术特性使操作车顶非常便捷。软件控制系统可更新升级——这意味着控制软件始终保持最新。“这种模块化车顶系统在使用体验和技术方面树立了全新的标准,为新一代车顶系统打造了平台基石,”伟巴斯特车顶系统欧洲区执行副总裁 Michael Respondek 讲道。

Smart surfaces are interior surfaces that combine decorative and functional properties. In the future, every surface in the car can be a smart surface, including door trims, instrument panels, steering wheels, sunroof modules, lighting systems, etc. These surfaces have now evolved from decorative functions to mechatronic user interfaces. Smart surface technology is now in the market introduction and growth stage, with huge development potential. How to make smart surface technology better requires the joint efforts of OEMs, solution designers, parts suppliers, material companies, etc. Now Aibang has Automobile intelligent surface WeChat group, Geely, BYD, Great Wall, Changan, Dongfeng, Yanfeng, Yilan Auto Parts, Ningbo Huade, Wenzhou Jincheng, Covestro, Kurz, SCHOTT and other companies have joined. Welcome upstream and downstream of the industry chain friends join the group to discuss and seek common progress.
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