全球领先的汽车供应商马瑞利宣布:马瑞利、广汽传祺和广汽新能源车埃安之间的座舱域控制器合作开发已扩大至广汽传祺2021 年上市的最重要车型和埃安新能源车,包括广汽传祺GS8、广汽埃安V MY21、广汽传祺Empow和广汽埃安LX Plus。



  • 座舱域控制器同时管理座舱娱乐与仪表等功能,控制多屏幕互动,提供舒适的一体化驾乘体验。


  • 具有虚拟化技术(hypervisor)的智能座舱域控制器,同时运行多个操作系统,实现仪表和娱乐系统功能,为仪表显示提供实时系统服务支持。


  • 信息娱乐和互联体验由 Android 操作系统实现,提供丰富的应用生态服务。


  • 适用于广汽车辆的马瑞利座舱域控制器配备了最新的音频和连接技术,并可通过OTA进行升级。


马瑞利携手广汽 | 扩大智能座舱域控制器合作


马瑞利是全球领先的汽车供应商, 以创新驱动卓越制造。通过携手客户及合作伙伴,致力于打造一个更安全、环保、互联的未来出行。马瑞利在全球建立了170家工厂和研发中心,拥有约58,000名员工,足迹遍布亚洲、美洲、欧洲和非洲。2020年,马瑞利营收达到12,660亿日元(104亿欧元)。


The original article was posted on the WeChat official account "Smart Car Club."马瑞利携手广汽 | 扩大智能座舱域控制器合作

Smart surfaces are interior surfaces that combine decorative and functional properties. In the future, every surface in the car can be a smart surface, including door trims, instrument panels, steering wheels, sunroof modules, lighting systems, etc. These surfaces have now evolved from decorative functions to mechatronic user interfaces. Smart surface technology is now in the market introduction and growth stage, with huge development potential. How to make smart surface technology better requires the joint efforts of OEMs, solution designers, parts suppliers, material companies, etc. Now Aibang has Automobile intelligent surface WeChat group, Geely, BYD, Great Wall, Changan, Dongfeng, Yanfeng, Yilan Auto Parts, Ningbo Huade, Wenzhou Jincheng, Covestro, Kurz, SCHOTT and other companies have joined. Welcome upstream and downstream of the industry chain friends join the group to discuss and seek common progress.