
Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first




(1)矩阵式大灯:上半年渗透率估算在6%左右,分品牌看,南北大众以及比亚迪、吉利、广汽传祺等自主品牌对矩阵式大灯的配置比例较高,其中南北大众、比亚迪配套车型由20万以上区间向15-20万区间渗透,如大众 ID.3/凌渡、比亚迪宋/秦等;其他自主品牌配套车型由15万以上区间向10-15万区间渗透,如奇瑞瑞虎7 PLUS、五菱凯捷、传祺GS4 PLUS等。

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first



Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

大众IQ.Light 智能LED大灯具备智适应功能 来源一汽大众

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

比亚迪海豹海悦耀目双U悬浮式大灯 图源比亚迪


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

比亚迪Dragon Beam 龙晶大灯 图源比亚迪

(2)像素式大灯:存在DLP、 Micro-LED、LCD等多种技术路线。其中DLP大灯已用于数款量产车型中,包括奔驰、奥迪等豪华品牌的高端车型,以及高合、智己等部分车灯配置激进的新势力车型;MicroLED大灯成本较低,在海拉等Tier1量产后有望在中高端车型中得到规模化应用。

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

奥迪A8 大灯结构 图源奥迪


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

奥迪A8大灯投影效果 图源奥迪


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

华域视觉DLP大灯 图源华域视觉


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

曼德光电彩色像素投影模块 图源曼德光电


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

海拉SSL|HD的无眩光远光灯功能 图源海拉


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

海拉SSL|HD的光学车道辅助功能 图源海拉


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first




(1)贯穿式尾灯:继奥迪大量使用贯穿式尾灯后,大众在15万元以上车型中集中换装贯穿式尾灯,目前国产化车型中一汽-大众的揽境、揽巡、探岳、探歌、ID.4 CROZZ、ID.6 CROZZ和上汽大众的帕萨特、凌渡、途昂、ID.4 X、ID.6 X最新款均已配置贯穿式尾灯。

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

奥迪A8贯穿式尾灯 图源奥迪


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

大众探岳贯穿式尾灯 图源一汽大众


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

比亚迪海豹海天一线水滴尾灯 图源比亚迪


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

长安深蓝SL03星焰贯穿式尾灯 图源长安


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first


(2)数字化尾灯:OLED和Surface LED等高度分段化的尾灯技术更适用于动 态显示的灯语功能,已初步用于BBA和大众车型。

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

奥迪A6 e-tron数字OLED尾灯 图源奥迪

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

奔驰EQA OLED尾灯 图源奔驰


OLED 尾灯的供应体系主要包括 Tier1 的车灯总成供应商和 Tier2 的 OLED 面板、芯片等供应商。车灯总成:包括海拉、法雷奥、星宇等,华域视觉、延锋彼欧、曼德光电等也有相关布局。OLED 面板:包括 OLEDWorks、翌光等。OLED 尾灯无需光学器件、散热器,具备超轻、超薄、灵活等优势。

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

奥迪数字OLED屏体 来源奥迪

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

红旗H9 OLED尾灯结构 来源翌光科技

数字 OLED 技术可实现灯语。据 OLEDWorks,OLED 面板可被设计为多个可单独寻址的段,在段之间提供高对比度,不会产生串扰,为灯语创造可能,使 OLED 尾灯在信号功能之外承担交互显示的作用,将危险以及车速或路况的突然变化传达给周围车辆或行人,提高道路安全性。

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

早期的汽车OLED面板 来源:OLEDWorks


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

最新的汽车OLED面板 来源:OLEDWorks

Surface LED 技术用于大众多款车型,路虎已引入新车型。

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

大众 ID.4 X 尾灯 图源上汽大众

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

路虎揽胜运动版尾灯 图源腾讯网

麦格纳、华域视觉、海拉、马瑞利等 Tier1 均具备 Surface LED 车灯技术,一般采用导光板、光学膜等实现照明的均匀性。

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

马瑞利 Folia LED 技术 图源爱卡汽车

Surface LED 像素持续提升,实现动态显示功能。

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

海拉数字化FlatLight 尾灯 图源海拉



Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

蔚来 ET7 光瀑式氛围灯 图源蔚来


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

问界 M5 AI 氛围灯 图源AITO


Smart RGB 技术路线下,多色氛围灯成本降低、传输速度提高。单色氛围灯可根据不同的照明需求调整亮度,多色氛围灯则基于 RGB LED 控制器,实现的场景更为丰富, 可根据温度、音律等调节颜色及亮度。多色氛围灯技术路线主要包括传统技术路线和 Smart RGB。

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

两种 RGB 氛围灯系统的工作原理,资料来源《车载语音交互氛围灯的设计与实现》

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first



(2)外饰灯:大众推进前格栅上方、外后视镜、侧标、车门把手、行李架等 多区域氛围灯的应用,目前CC、迈腾、高尔夫、揽巡等车型大量应用外饰灯。而在外饰灯中,格栅灯、光毯灯等有望成为信息交互的载体,共同打造360度的外部照明。

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

大众 ID. Welcome light 图源一汽大众


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

大众 ID 系列发光 LOGO、贯穿式氛围灯 图源一汽大众

格栅灯:由单一的照明功能向动态交互的灯语模式发展。在大众车型以外,长安 UNIT、荣威 RX5、极氪 009、凯迪拉克锐歌等车型也配置了格栅灯。

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

凯迪拉克锐歌 LYRIQ 黑晶光耀格栅 图源太平洋汽车网

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

凯迪拉克锐歌 LYRIQ 黑晶光耀格栅结构 图源太平洋汽车网

光毯灯:有望在 360 度照明解决方案下成为信息交互的载体。光毯灯也称为地毯式迎宾灯、光影地毯灯、光幕式车灯,海拉、法雷奥、华为等都有布局。

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

海拉地毯迎宾灯 图源海拉

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

法雷奥 360°照明方案 图源法雷奥



Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

In order to promote the development of the smart car lighting industry, Aibang Smart Car Club has established a smart car lighting WeChat group. OEMs, supporting suppliers, light sources, semiconductors, materials, equipment and other companies are welcome to join the WeChat group.
Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

Recommended activity one:2022第三届智能车灯创新技术及车灯供应链高峰论坛(12月2日 上海)

Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first


Activity recommendation two:第四届汽车智能内饰氛围灯高峰论坛(12月1日 上海)


Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

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Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

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The original article was posted on the WeChat official account "Smart Car Club."Intelligent upgrade of car lights, breakthrough lights and ambient lights are the first

Smart surfaces are interior surfaces that combine decorative and functional properties. In the future, every surface in the car can be a smart surface, including door trims, instrument panels, steering wheels, sunroof modules, lighting systems, etc. These surfaces have now evolved from decorative functions to mechatronic user interfaces. Smart surface technology is now in the market introduction and growth stage, with huge development potential. How to make smart surface technology better requires the joint efforts of OEMs, solution designers, parts suppliers, material companies, etc. Now Aibang has Automobile intelligent surface WeChat group, Geely, BYD, Great Wall, Changan, Dongfeng, Yanfeng, Yilan Auto Parts, Ningbo Huade, Wenzhou Jincheng, Covestro, Kurz, SCHOTT and other companies have joined. Welcome upstream and downstream of the industry chain friends join the group to discuss and seek common progress.
In order to promote the development of the smart car lighting industry, Aibang Smart Car Club has established a smart car lighting WeChat group. OEMs, supporting suppliers, light sources, semiconductors, materials, equipment and other companies are welcome to join the WeChat group.

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OEM tier1 lamps Ambient light manufacturer interior auto parts headlight Car lighting company taillight Solution provider controller injection model Mold LED module hot runner light source LED OLED Injection molded light guide strip Connector lens optical fiber glue Instrument central control Glass Hardware design company Cables and Harnesses third party testing Desiccant Heat dissipation material heat sink fan Boutique modification door guard Prototype Lens processing translucent leather Breathable material textured diaphragm Components metallic material Translucent plastic ink protective film chip optical design Driver integration semiconductor coating smart sunroof circuit board adhesive tape Coating luminance meter plastic hot melt glue welding equipment Testing Equipment High pressure forming Injection molding machine equipment University research institute acting trading other
